If you have any questions or suggestions to update the resources on this page please contact Avian Weiswerda, LCSW at aweiswerda@paralosninos.org.
Family Source Centers have resources available to anyone who is a resident of the City of LA.
Families can receive a variety of referrals and resources to ameliorate financial burdens and stabilize households to reduce risk of homelessness (support with utilities, mediation support, clothing, food, financial aid, case management, and service coordination)
Every school has an identified Homeless Liaison. Parents/guardians and students in transition can ask to speak with the Liaison to be connected to District and community resources and may self-identify by completing the confidential Student Housing Questionnaire (SHQ), linked below.
BAILA Network can support clients in explaining the change in public charge rules regarding public benefits and support clients in signing up for benefits. https://www.bailanetwork.org/
To be eligible for CalWORKS: Client must be a resident of California, be low or very low income, and either have a child under 18 years of age or younger, be pregnant, or be 18 years of age or younger and the head of their household.
Clients can go to the Volunteers of America drop in site (call ahead to make appointment 323-872-0272) for a variety of linkages and direct resources at 5412 E. Beverly Blvd East Los Angeles, Ca 90022, 8am to 4pm Monday –Friday
Clients can be referred directly by provider using this following form.
To be eligible for CalWORKS, client must be a resident of California, be low or very low income, and either have a child under 18 years of age or younger, be pregnant, or be 18 years of age or younger and the head of their household.
If yes,
Families can access homeless services through Family Solutions Centers (FSCs) (SPA dependent on family’s current or most recent address)
These resources are for families who are currently unhoused and in need of immediate shelter. Please note that all resources listed are dependent upon eligibility and availability.
To be eligible for CalWORKS: Client must be a resident of California, be low or very low income, and either have a child under 18 years of age or younger, be pregnant, or be 18 years of age or younger and the head of their household.
If yes,
Domestic Violence Shelter Intake Hotlines
For support with navigation of DV system: https://www.lahsa.org/documents?id=5235-domestic-violence-regional-coordinators-dvrc-contact-list
Union Rescue Mission
545 San Pedro St, Los Angeles, CA 90013, 213-347-6300
Additionally, families can call 211 for available family shelter beds.
If the family is made homeless after 5pm (or on a weekend, for one night) they can call 211 https://www.211la.org/ for emergency one night hotel vouchers.
DMH – Adult, TAY or child in services to access (Provider can make referral to Interim Housing Program)
DHS – Adult or child can qualify (Interim Housing Referral Form)
These resources are for families who are currently unhoused and in need of support to obtain permanent housing.
Family Solutions Centers (FSCs)
(SPA dependent on family’s current or most recent address)
FSCs are site-based facilities where families experiencing homelessness of at risk of homelessness can gain access or continue access to the homeless services delivery system for the Greater Los Angeles area. FSC Locations
Domestic Violence Rapid Rehousing
Clients can be referred into this program by caseworker at emergency DV shelter. For clients not in emergency shelter, provider can contact Diana Grant Regional Domestic Violence Coordinator Spa 4, dianag@cpaf.org
Veteran’s Resources
If the household contains a veteran, contact Roberto Rivera, SPA 4 Veterans Outreach Coordinator, robertor@epath.org.