Domestic Violence


October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, PLN will share updates on resources and stories of strength so all can know to expect respect.  If you or someone you know are experiencing DV – you are not alone – please contact a resource above or call our Prevention & Aftercare Team at 213-814-1550 

What is Domestic Violence?

Domestic Violence (DV) is a pattern of behavior used to establish power and control over another person through fear and intimidation. DV can be physical, sexual, verbal, economic or emotional abuse.

What are patterns/signs people should be on the lookout for?

Domestic violence is a repetitive action of abusive behavior that can happen to anyone in the talking stage, dating stage, and even during marriage when the other person wants to control everything the person does from who they talk to, who they see, what they see, wear, eat, and even making them stop talking to family members by using physical, verbal, or sexual abuse.

Identifying Signs:

    • Relationship red flags— early signs
      • Starting a relationship off too fast
      • Not being able to be away from partner too long
      • False accusations of cheating
      • Isolation
    • Jealousy
    • Dictating how the victim dresses
    • Threats to destroy or kill property, family members and friends
    • Controlling where they go, who they talk to and who they see
    • Financial control
    • Stalking the victim: in person, via social media and phone
    • Physical marks/ wearing long sleeves in the summer
    • Explanations for physical marks on their bodies do not line up with injuries
    • Seeking DV services for “a friend” or not wanting to talk about DV
    • Having a curfew and checking the time because of their partner
    • Hypervigilance
    • Gaslighting
    • Receiving threats 

1 in 4

women experience experience domestic violence

2 million

injuries are caused by DV every year and 1,300 deaths

1 in 15

children are exposed to intimate partner violence each year, and 90% of these children are eyewitnesses to this violence


calls placed to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence hotline on a typical day 

Two Survivors’ Stories

Natalie*, learned to advocate for herself amidst facing domestic violence and barriers to employment. Working with our Domestic Violence Support Services (DVSS) team, she received emergency funds for rental assistance, mental health support and enrolled herself in various support groups and counseling sessions. Today, she is proud to have the courage to speak up for herself and be a part of this newfound community. 

Tina* is another survivor who joined PLN’s DVSS program in 2020.  As a caregiver dealing with at-risk housing and unemployment, finding a stable job in sewing became more difficult during the pandemic. With her PLN counselor, she applied and successfully obtained rental assistance from PLN’s emergency family funds. Subsequently, Tina joined PLN’s parenting classes and received counseling. As of this year, she has graduated from our DVSS program with improved self-esteem and mental health, as well as a stable job that reliably provides for her family.  

Q: When Did You Realize You Were in a DV Situation? / How Did You Leave?

 Our DVSS team asked clients to share their response to these two questions on a “Jam board”. Here are their courageous responses below. 

There is incredible strength in DV Survivors. Many of them are breaking generational cycles of abuse and forming new family patterns, are developing a positive outlook of the future despite everything they went through, learning to find their voice again and becoming advocates for themselves and others, and uplifting other survivors/encouraging others to seek help and support.

How to Support Victims of DV as a Bystander

  • Listen to them
  • Encourage them to reach out or seek help
  • Express empathy (as opposed to sympathy)
  • Be more kind -do not bully or name call because someone is not ready to leave a DV relationship
  • Educate them on what it is that they’re leaving: many do not recognize that they are experiencing DV in relationships
  • Provide them with resources and support lines
  • Recognize that DV can be emotional and financial abuse (not just physical abuse)
  • (For providers): Provide them with resources, EBSS and Measure H
    • Mental Health Services, especially for adult victims, need to be readily available -offer available slots for sessions.

What resources do PLN’s DV team provide?  

Here are ways we can help: 

  • Housing and legal resources
  • Referral to East LA Women’s Center
  • Offer locations of food banks and shelters
  • Go over a safety plan
  • Mental health referrals
  • Food/PPE/Clothing giveaways through our agency or partnering agencies
  • Financial help –if PLN can provide it
  • We also have a DV Support group, a class where survivors can receive additional information from guest speakers and experts in the field of DV
    • Thursdays, 5-6:30PM- DV Support Group open to PLN’s Prevention & Aftercare referrals and anyone who is a victim of DV
    • Ongoing for 52 weeks

We asked three of our case managers with thirteen years of experience amongst them to share their observations on how DV’s impact on families and common barriers that survivors face.

Q: How have you seen how DV affects families, particularly children?

A: DV spreads fear that can isolate survivors. For instance, many of my clients do not not feel comfortable being forthright about their DV situation because they are afraid that the Department of Family and Children Services (DCFS) will remove their children. Many of them often say they want DV resources for a friend out of shame and fear.

DV deeply affects children. It creates an environment that does not feel safe and prevents routines from being formed. As a result,  children are at higher risk for malnourishment, lack of clothing and material items, and emotional abuse, like gaslighting–imposing what is the abusive caretaker’s fault as their own.

DV stunts children from growing into their fullest potential by blinding them from seeing how the world should be. DV also impacts their education as it is hard to focus at school when life at home is traumatic.

Q: What are common barriers DV survivors often have that prevents them from moving forward?

A: There are many:

  • Emotional Block – the abuse can convince survivors that they do not deserve or can do better
  • Immigration status
  • Financial hardships or economic reliance on partner’s income, having limited job skills
  • Shame of what their family will say
  • The fear of losing their children to the system
  • Housing instability
  • Language barriers, (eg – being only Spanish speakers or learning English in ESL)
  • Safety concerns (eg -from stalking, harassment, etc.)
  • Having mental/physical disabilit(ies)
  • Lack of transportation
  • Lack of social support
  • Fear of legal issues

Resources and Support Lines

  • LA County Domestic Violence Hotline (24/7 Confidential): (800) 978-3600
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline (24/7 Confidential): (800) 799-7233
  • (800) 787-3224 (TTY) or text LOVEIS (capitalization does not matter) to 22522 *Msg & Data Rates may apply
  • National Deaf Domestic Violence Hotline (24/7 Confidential):
  • Video phone (only for Deaf callers): 1-855-812-1001
    • Email:
  • Parent Hopeline: 323-790-LADL (5235)
  • LA County Child Abuse Hotline: (800) 540-4000 • (800) 272-6699 (TTY)
  • LA County Elder Abuse Reporting Hotline: (877) 477-3646
  • For LGBTQ-specific legal services to victims of crime:
    • Los Angeles LGBT Center at 323-993-7649
    • Email:
    • LGBTQ Center Long Beach at 562-433-8595
    • Email:
  • StrongHearts Native Helpline: Call or text 1-844-7NATIVE (762-8483) •
    • StrongHearts is a 24/7 safe, confidential and anonymous domestic, dating and sexual violence helpline for American Indians and Alaska Natives, offering culturally-appropriate support and advocacy.
  • S. Department of Veterans Affairs Vet Center (24/7 toll-free): 877-WAR VETS or 1-877-927-8387
    • There are five Vet Centers located within LA County: East Los Angeles, Antelope Valley, Chatsworth, West Los Angeles and Gardena.

If you or someone you know are experiencing DV – you are not alone – please contact a resource above or call our Prevention & Aftercare Team at 213-814-1550

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